Arnold Rim Trail Sunset Hikes Both Friday & Saturday, Aug 28th & 29th

Arnold, CA…Dear Arnold Rim Trail Equestrians, Cyclists, and Hikers,  Not one, but two guided sunset/full moon hikes to Cougar Rock this month, both Friday & Saturday, August 28th & 29th.  This month, Captain Dave has graciously announced he is leading two sunset hikes to Cougar Rock, on both Friday and Saturday this weekend. Join one or both.

Guided Sunset Hikes to Cougar Rock, scheduled near full moon, from May through October. Please mark your calendars now for these remaining 2015 dates: Friday & Saturday, Aug 28th & 29th; Sunday, Sept 27; Sunday, Oct 25

Watch the sun set from the top of Cougar Rock on this moderate hike led by Arnold Rim Trail Association Steering Committee member Dave Edney. Distance is about 4 miles total, with 900 feet of elevation gain. If you haven’t done one of these hikes, you owe yourself the treat. They are scheduled to be near the day of the full moon each month, and they are special!

No sign-up needed, hike proceeds even if cloudy, but rain cancels. Bring layers, snack, water, bug repellant and flashlight (return hike is in the dark). We gather at the trailhead parking area about one hour and forty five minutes before sunset, and depart about one and a half hours before sunset. Here are the times:
Aug 28th, Friday & Aug 29, Saturday – Arrive parking lot 6:00pm, start hike promptly at 6:14 (sunset 7:35pm)
Sept 27, Sunday – Arrive parking lot 5:00pm, start hike promptly at 5:15 (sunset 6:50pm)
Oct 25, Sunday – Arrive parking lot 4:30pm, start hike promptly at 4:45 (sunet 6:09pm)

Return to vehicles about three hours after departing, give or take. Questions? Contact Captain Dave at 209-795-5931. He is a fabulous guide and looks forward to answering your questions. Dave often posts additional information about his hikes on facebook. Navigate to “Arnold Rim Trail Association” in your facebook search field.

The parking area is 1.50 miles from the intersection of Lakemont Drive and Valley View Drive in Arnold. The first mile of Valley View Drive is paved, and the last 0.45 miles is dirt. Please note that the dirt road is often rutted. Also, pay close attention to stay on the paved section of Valley View Drive and not get off on one of the side streets, because Valley View Drive curves around quite a bit.

Here’s a link to Google Maps that shows the drive from the intersection of Lakemont Drive and Valley View Drive in Arnold to the intersection of Valley View Drive and Forest Rte 5N95Y. The trailhead parking lot is at the intersection of Valley View Drive and 5N95Y on the right. (Please note there is not be a sign announcing that you have arrived at the parking area at the intersection with 5N95Y, but you will see the dirt road coming in from the right and also the parking area with picnic tables at that location.)

Here’s a link that shows you the location of the trailhead.

The GPS coordinates of the parking area:
North 38 degrees 13.171, West 120 degrees 22.707

Volunteer Trail Building Mornings, third Saturday of each month from May to October. Please mark your calendars now for these remaining 2015 dates: Sept 19 & Oct 17

All trail buildling mornings follow this pattern: Please meet at the US Forest Service Station in Hathaway Pines at 8:30 am. After a brief safety orientation by Jeffery Hilson, our Stanislaus Forest Service Trail Manager, we will car pool to the section of trail we will build that day. Since it often gets warm as the morning progresses, please bring layers, gloves, hat, sunscreen, bug repellant, and water. Long pants are suggested as we encounter Poison Oak on occasion. If you have a favorite garden tool like loppers, bring those, but we will have tools for everyone. Folks from eight to eighty-eight are invited; children should have adult supervision. We wrap up by noon, sometimes a little earlier. If you have another obligation that day, feel free to depart sooner as needed.
Arnold Rim Trail Association Steering Committee member Dave Edney continues this year as our trail building leader. Thanks to Jeffery and Dave for their ongoing commitment and dedication to the Arnold Rim Trail.
• Our 2015 fund drive continues…
Thank you so very much for the generous gifts in response to our 2015 fund drive. As we pursue our goal of $5,800, please remember that donations of all sizes grow the fund and will make a difference that you will notice on the trail, with improved and expanded signage, and more and better maintained trail.

Warm regards,
Arnold Rim Trail Steering Committee

Donation Link