Calaveras County Grand Jury Needs Your Input

San Andreas, CA…Do you feel there are areas in your county government or its operations that can be improved in order to better serve the community? Do you wonder where the watchdogsof the county are and what they are doing to ensure that county departments and agencies are operating efficiently?  If you answered yes to any of these questions, you can help your community become a better place by contacting the Calaveras County Grand Jury. They ARE the watchdogsand they represent all citizens.


The Grand Jury is comprised of 19 Calaveras County Citizens who serve for a term of one year. Although these jurors have different backgrounds and experiences, they have one thing in common: they share a concern for the well-being of the county. Every effort is made to uncover all the facts of each case to assure investigations are completed thoroughly and without bias. At the end of each fiscal year the Jurys findings are published in the Grand Jury Final Report. How well the Grand Jurys process works relies largely on citizens identifying areas of concern.

Thats where YOU can help! If you are aware of anything that you feel may need to be investigated, you are encouraged to fill out a complaint form and mail it to the Calaveras County Grand Jury. All correspondence and complaints are strictly confidential and held to the highest standard of secrecy.

A written complaint form is preferred and can be requested by writing to the Grand Jury at the address below or it can be found online at along with full details and instructions. You may also call the number below to request a complaint form.

Filling out a complaint form anonymously is an option, but it can prevent the jury from contacting you regarding your concern which can result in the inability to investigate further.

Mail completed form to:

P.O. Box #1414

San Andreas, CA


(209) 754-5860