In Support of H. Res. 752 – Support for the Freedom-Fighting Organizations Within Iran ~ Tom McClintock

Washington, DC…Remarks by Congressman McClintock: In Support of H. Res. 752 – Support for the Freedom-Fighting Organizations Within Iran House of Representatives January 28, 2020. In 2016, President Obama sent $1.7 billion of untraceable cash on cargo pallets to the regime in Iran.

The Iranian expatriates in my district reported that immediately following this shameful spectacle, the Iranian Guard expanded dramatically and began a brutal round of repression that cost thousands of innocent Iranians their lives.

Thankfully, President Trump has reversed these destructive policies of appeasement. The renewal of sanctions against Iran is again bringing economic pressure on the regime and causing European nations to reconsider their ties to that tyranny.

Iran is one of the oldest and greatest civilizations in history, yet has been suppressed and plundered by a clique of theocratic thugs that comprise the illegitimate Iranian government.

This resolution is an important gesture, but it is idle without action. We need to support the freedom-fighting organizations operating within Iran with the same resources that Obama sent to their oppressors.

I challenge the House majority to do so.

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