Congressman Tom McClintock Makes the Case for Supervisor Mills’ Reelection

Copperopolis, CA…On Saturday night the Dennis Mills Campaign hosted a reception in Copperopolis with a great crowd featuring US Congressman Tom McClintock. McClintock just returned from Washington attending the State of Union Address. He reported to the crowd on the ridiculous action of Speaker Pelosi tearing up the President’s Address. “My colleagues and I were dumb founded. One said look at that and I turned to see the Speaker tearing up the speech.”

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McClintock told the crowd the election in 2020 is the most “monumental and consequential of our life times at every level.” He appealed to voters to support Dennis Mills for Reelection because the radical left is now targeting lower office conservatives. On a national level the Congressman warned make no mistake about it but those now dominating the Democratic Party want to turn our nation into a Socialist country. “These are not progressives because everything they advocate is antithetical to progress.” he declared..

Mills noted “Regardless of what they say our opposition is being heavily supported by the far left and their goal is to change the Foothills into a left of center region. We can’t let that happen. Their values do not support improving public safety and responsibly growing our economy.”

Supervisor Mills will be holding an Town Hall Meeting Thursday at 6 pm at Black Creek Park.

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