County Public Health Department on Local Implementation of Stay at Home Order

San Andreas, CA…On the evening of March 19, 2020, California Governor Gavin Newsom and the California Department of Public Health issued a stay at home order for individuals living in the State of California. Exceptions to this order apply to sixteen essential services including: Chemical Sector; Commercial Facilities Sector; Communications Sector; Critical Manufacturing Sector; Dams Sector; Defense Industrial Base Sector; Emergency Services Sector; Energy Sector; Financial Services Sector; Food and Agriculture Sector; Government Facilities Sector; Healthcare and Public Health Sector; Information Technology Sector; Nuclear Reactors, Materials, and Waste Sector; Transportation Systems Sector; and Water and Wastewater Systems Sector. These sixteen essential functions are critical to the health and well-being of Californians. If you are unclear if you are part of providing an essential service, please contact your employer.

“This Order is being issued to protect the public health of California. The California Department of Public Health looks to establish consistency across the state in order to ensure that we mitigate the impact of COVID-19. Our goal is simple, we want to bend the curve, and disrupt the spread of the virus.” ~California Governor Gavin Newson
This order is in effect starting March 19, 2020, and is in place until further notice. What this means for Calaveras County is that essential services in the community that are being asked to remain open include: gas stations; pharmacies; food establishments (such as grocery stores, food banks, convenience stores and take and delivery services for restaurants); banks and laundromats. Businesses that are closed include: dine-in restaurants, bars, nightclubs, entertainment venues, gyms and fitness centers. All community events and public gatherings are also canceled.

The Calaveras County Office of Emergency Services is urging our community to voluntarily comply with this order.
When people need to leave their homes or places of residence for essential services, they should at all times practice social distancing.

For more local information on COVID-19 visit