Cooler Weather Brings Fire Places, Wood Stoves Back To Life

Calaveras County Ca. Even though we are not out of Fire Season nor close to it as yet cooler temperatures in the early mornings are bringing Fire Places and Wood Stoves back to life to ward off the morning chill in many homes through out the entire region. Owners of these should make sure the Flues have been properly cleaned from last season and a proper Spark Arrestor is in place.

Please be sure if you see Smoke in the early morning in your neighborhood that it is not just a Wood Store or a Fire Place. Yes I suggest you get out and take a short walk to the vicinity if possible. Yes please do notify the proper authorities of the issue as there will be people thinking with cooler weather they can burn their debris piles and nobody will care. Wrong on that. All of us care and if you care enough take that short walk if possible to check out your Smoke Sighting but if you see it far away by all means call it in to CalFire immediately.