CAR Candidates Night…All The Candidates Made Statements And District 5 & 3 Answered Questions

Angels Camp, CA…The Calaveras County Association of Realtors held their county wide Candidates Night at the Bret Harte Theatre last Thursday night. The evening was significant for several reasons first and foremost it allowed all the attendees to see and hear those running for office in the June 3rd. We recorded the event and had a bit of trouble with the video but ended up getting it in a somewhat presentable format. We broke it down into two sections.

The first part being the candidate’s statements for all of the elected Department Heads, Judges Races and the District 3 and District 5 Supervisorial candidates. It was a lightly attended event possibly because it was at a “Neutral Site” and not at a venue within either of the hotly contested Supervisors races.

The evening did provide good information for the attendees and the Supervisor Candidates answered business and real estate specific questions as well as a few questions from the audience.