Tuolumne County Sheriff on Face Covering Order

Sonora, CA…”I am aware of Gov. Gavin Newsom’s statement yesterday in which he has ordered face coverings for most public activity. I received inquiries about our stance on the order and our intended actions. Our position has always been to rely on education and we will continue with that same strategic direction. I am working closely with county health officials and state officials regarding the governor’s order.

I am encouraging community members to be respectful of others by wearing face coverings when appropriate, avoid large gatherings, take proper precautions, sanitize common surfaces, use proper hygiene, and practice social distancing. It is also important to remember each business will have their own policies which may require patrons to have face coverings prior to utilizing their facilities and/or services. I ask everyone to respect those requirements as an attempt to keep our community healthy and safe.”

Sheriff Bill Pooley

3 Responses to "Tuolumne County Sheriff on Face Covering Order"

  1. Anonymous   June 21, 2020 1:45 pm - at 1:45 pm

    Our American culture stresses the importance of individualism and that has made us very strong in the past. Now we need to remember that as individuals we need to protect those of us who are very vulnerable to this virus by wearing face masks in public places, especially grocery stores and other businesses where we all need to go. Remember, the mask you wear may protect you but is is also an effective way of expressing your care and compassion for the most vulnerable in our community. The life you save may be your own child or grandmother or other family member. Please show us you care.

  2. Annette   June 23, 2020 12:27 am - at 12:27 am

    I want to know why you don’t mention taking Vitamin C, Vitamin D, Elderberry syrup? You know, things that will boost a persons immune system, so they don’t get sick.

  3. Annette   June 23, 2020 12:29 am - at 12:29 am

    You know he didn’t issue an “order”, in fact, he didn’t issue anything. The health department issued “guidelines”.