PG&E Conducting Aerial Line Patrols Today

Angels Camp, CA…Today, Friday, July 17, PG&E will be conducting aerial patrols of power lines between Yosemite National Park and New Melones Lake. Flights began around 9 a.m. The flights are part of a company-wide Public Safety Power Shutoff preparedness exercise. No power shutoffs will actually happen, but our emergency response organization is conducting the readiness drill to help us be better prepared for actual events.

As part of the exercise PG&E crews are patrolling circuits that could be affected If a Public Safety Power Shutoff becomes necessary this summer. The patrols will be conducted by crews on the ground, and by using helicopters. Customers may notice increased activity between 9 a.m. and 4 p.m. today.

Given the continued and growing threat of extreme weather and wildfires, we are expanding and enhancing our Community Wildfire Safety Program to further reduce wildfire risks and help keep our customers and the communities we serve safe.

During an actual PSPS event, crews will inspect de-energized lines utilizing aircraft, vehicles and foot patrols to identify and repair damage before restoring power.

The sole purpose of a PSPS is to reduce the risk of major wildfires during severe weather. With more than half of the area where our customers live and work now at high risk for wildfires, PSPS is an important tool for keeping customers and communities safe. Turning off power can prevent wildfires, but also disrupts lives and can include its own risks, particularly for those who need power for medical equipment.

One Response to "PG&E Conducting Aerial Line Patrols Today"

  1. Anonymous   July 21, 2020 5:42 pm - at 5:42 pm

    If you would just fix your outdated PG&E lines,transformers,insulator and other etc we would not be having to shut power off