Murphys Winery Under Attack – Mistaken for Governor Newsom’s Winery as Similar Last Names Lead to Confusion

Murphys, CA…A family-owned boutique winery is being attacked with phone calls, emails, comments on Facebook and acts of aggression that are of a political nature. The winery, Newsome Harlow Wines, is mistakenly thought to be the winery owned by California Governor Gavin Newsom. There is no connection between the Newsome Harlow Winery family and Gavin Newsom.

The attacks are in reference to the state-ordered closing of tasting rooms for indoor experiences, along with restaurants, brew pubs, bars and other sectors of the economy due to the spread of Covid-19 in California. This morning a hand drawn sign was posted to the tasting room gate, the sign is in support of the Trump 2020 campaign. “The sign itself isn’t offensive, but we were the only business in town that was selected. There is certainly a correlation between other incidents in the past and this one. It is heartbreaking that someone in our small town thinks that this is okay,” said Scott Klann, winemaker and proprietor.

It isn’t the first time the winery has been attacked. In November of 2018 the tasting room was vandalized with “#metoo” and “liar/cheat” spray painted on the building and inside the courtyard. The location of the graffiti indicated an unlawful entry into the property and was presumed to be directed at the governor.

“We strive to be good citizens in Calaveras County and in the state of California. We are well regarded by our customers and vendors. We have created an apolitical space where people always feel comfortable and find common ground based on a love for wine, intelligent conversation, rock and roll and a lot of fun,” Klann commented.

“These attacks are upsetting and highly unusual acts of aggression perpetrated against my business and my family,” he continued.


Newsome Harlow Winery started in 2000 by Scott Klann and his former partner Mark Skenfield. They chose the name Newsome Harlow to honor their mothers’ families, whose names are Newsome and Harlow respectively. Klann, his wife, daughter, and son all work at the winery, along with seven others. For more information about Newsome Harlow Wines, visit

3 Responses to "Murphys Winery Under Attack – Mistaken for Governor Newsom’s Winery as Similar Last Names Lead to Confusion"

  1. Paul Simonson   July 21, 2020 9:12 am - at 9:12 am

    Nothing but twisted cowards would do this.

  2. Anonymous   July 22, 2020 9:48 am - at 9:48 am

    Good job moron yahoos! It’s not even spelled the same…imbeciles (look it up in your “dick- shun-airy”) phuckwits

  3. Ann Nomous   July 22, 2020 11:02 am - at 11:02 am

    Plumpjack winery people