The 2019 – 2020 Calaveras County Grand Jury Has Just Released a Report Entitled Calaveras County Detention Centers.

San Andreas, CA…The Summary section of the report states why the grand jury undertook the investigation and notes the report’s most significant issues, findings, and recommendations, as follows:  “The Calaveras County Grand Jury is required by law to inquire into the condition and management of the detention centers within the County on an annual basis per California Penal Code §916(b). Calaveras County has two adult detention centers, the Calaveras County Jail and Vallecito Conservation Camp.

The Calaveras County Jail was built six years ago and is well maintained. On multiple visits, the Grand Jury noted the facility appeared clean, safe, and secure. The jail is managed by a dedicated, professional staff.

Vallecito Adult Conservation Camp CC#1 is a correctional facility located in Calaveras County with a capacity for 110 inmates. The Calaveras County Grand Jury inspection of the Camp found it to be clean and organized, with well-maintained grounds.

The Calaveras County Grand Jury found that the inmates at both facilities are treated with respect and dignity. Physical and mental health care are a priority.

The Calaveras County Grand Jury asked both the Vallecito Conservation Camp CC#1 and the Calaveras County Jail if they have COVID-19 protocols in place, and both do.”

Please inform your readers about the grand jury’s new report, including in your article the grand jury’s website, where the entire report can be viewed.
Very truly yours,

Larry Abernathy, Foreperson

Calaveras County Grand Jury