California Transportation Commission Invests more than $830 Million in Highway and Rail Projects, Improves Access for Pedestrians and Bicyclists

Sacramento, CA…The California Transportation Commission approved more than $830 million to repair highways and bridges and improve the state’s growing network of pedestrian, bicycle and mass transit routes. This investment includes more than $600 million in allocations for State Highway Operation and Protection Program (SHOPP) projects, Caltrans’ “fix-it-first” program aimed at preserving the condition of the State Highway System.

“We are moving projects forward that will keep our economy moving and improve access for all Californians,” said Caltrans Director Toks Omishakin. “This includes improving safety for cyclists and pedestrians, expanding public transportation and helping reduce greenhouse gas emissions.”

Area state highway projects allocated SB 1 funds include:
• Upgrade mechanical and electrical equipment on movable bridge on State Route 4 (SR-4) in San Joaquin County: $9.4 million bridge project will help improve the mobility of the bridge and reduce congestion of traffic near Discovery Bay on SR-4 in San Joaquin County.
• Bridge Rail Replacement and Upgrade of SR-49 in Amador County:
$2 million bridge project will upgrade bridge rails and widen shoulders near
Jackson at Mokelumne River Bridge on SR-49 in Amador County.
• Bridge Preventative Maintenance on SR-12 in San Joaquin County:
$1 million bridge project will replace joint seals and bearing pads using temporary pile supports to improve bridge maintenance near Terminous at Little Potato Slough Bridge on SR-12 in San Joaquin County.

The CTC approved more than $43 million for 18 complete streets projects that will augment existing state highway projects with additional bicycle and pedestrian features. This includes bike routes, enhanced crosswalks and sidewalk gap closures. The Department continues to seek input from stakeholders to select complete street projects for funding.

The CTC also approved more than $36 million in funds for rail and mass transit projects, including freight, intercity rail and bus services. This investment includes $30 million for the Trade Corridor Enhancement Program, which is dedicated to projects that enhance the movement of goods along corridors with high freight volume by making improvements to state highways, local roads, freight rail systems, port facilities and truck corridors.
Project funding is derived from federal and state gas taxes, including $637 million from Senate Bill (SB) 1, the Road Repair and Accountability Act of 2017. The state’s portion of SB 1 funds are used for the ongoing maintenance and rehabilitation of the State Highway System. By 2027, these funds will enable Caltrans to fix more than 17,000 lane miles of pavement, 500 bridges, 55,000 culverts, and 7,700 traffic operating systems that help improve highway access, such as ramp meters, traffic cameras and electric highway message signs.
For details on SB 1, visit Rebuilding California -Senate Bill 1.