Hey Good People!! Groomers & Pure Mountain Fun Await at Skyline Bear Valley

Bear Valley, CA…Hey Good People! Persistent high pressure continues to dominate the West coast bringing mostly clear skies and above avg temps. The inversion has been in effect for 4 days now and continues to keep warmer temps at altitude compared to the foothills. Some breezy conditions will arrive Sunday afternoon as the surface gradients tighten and bring winds up into the upper 30’s Sunday night and continuing into Monday. The coming week will remain clear with daytime high and night time lows about 10F above normal for this time of year. Groomers are what’s in store for your riding pleasure this weekend and make sure to follow California guidelines and our area safe COVID-19 practices. Check out our webpage for more info. Stay safe, remember to keep 6ft of distancing and wear a mask while here at the resort.



Sunny, with a high near 42F by noon South wind around 6-8mph.

partly cloudy, with a temperature around 36F. South wind 7 to 9 mph.

December 5th 2020 37F @ 6am South winds 2-6mph Base 14″” Current Storm total – 0″ Season Total 18”