Local Elected Officials Not Responding to Covid Regulation Enforcement Concerns ~ Jason Wright

Murphys, CA…I am a local business owner in the county. Three weeks ago, I emailed each of our County Supervisors through their official channel, the Clerk-Recorder-Elections-Office, asking them about their stance on Covid regulation enforcement, expressing my concerns with the direction our county is going in regards to spread of Covid and the lack of ICU beds in our region. I wrote a brief, non-angry, considered email and asked specifically what their response is to my concerns. A week later, when I had not heard from any of them except Merita Callaway, I wrote a follow up email asking for a response. Now, after two more weeks, still no response from any of them other than Merita Callaway and finally Jack Garamendi.

Regardless of anyone’s personal opinion about Covid regulation enforcement, our Supervisors should at the very least respond to their constituents. So, Benjamin Stopper, Gary Tofanelli, and Dennis Mills, why won’t you respond?

One Response to "Local Elected Officials Not Responding to Covid Regulation Enforcement Concerns ~ Jason Wright"

  1. Anonymous   January 2, 2021 9:04 am - at 9:04 am

    Calls the county health department are received with the same response. Or perhaps put in the circular file.