Back in the Saddle – Re-Imagined! Tickets Go On Sale April 1st

Angels Camp, CA…(Frogtown, USA)…The Board of Directors of the 39th District Agricultural Association met last evening via conference call. Among their business items was planning the 2021 Calaveras County Fair & Jumping Frog Jubilee. The board voted to plan a modified event. So what can the community tentatively expect: Frog Jumping, Livestock Show, Western Horse Events, Fair food, Shopping, Miss Calaveras, Saddle Queen competition & Junior Exhibits.

Other fair elements are currently under discussion. The goal of the board is to bring the community a family oriented event, facilitated in a safe and responsible manner. So stay tuned, we are Back in the Saddle. Tickets go on sale April 1, 2021.
In other fair news, the logo art work was selected and will be released in the near future. Talibah Al Rafiq was elected as the board vice president, with Kathy Campbell acting as immediate past vice president. Rounding out the executive committee is Gay Callan, current board president. The memorial pavilion in the cattlemen’s area is under construction. The pavilion is a Friends of the Fair project. Thank you to George Reed and 711 for their assistance.
Please check out our website often for updates.

One Response to "Back in the Saddle – Re-Imagined! Tickets Go On Sale April 1st"

  1. sunnysteveblog   February 25, 2021 9:28 pm - at 9:28 pm

    I won the poster contest last year and received certificates for 16 separate day passes for the fair. I suppose they will honor them too? thank you