Governor Newsom on House’s Passage of COVID Relief Plan

Sacramento, CA… Governor Gavin Newsom issued the below statement today following the House’s passage of the American Rescue Plan:

“I applaud President Biden and Speaker Pelosi on the passage of the American Rescue Plan – $1.9 trillion in nationwide relief that’s essential for Californians hardest hit by the pandemic, and a measure that complements the state’s immediate stimulus package I signed this week.

“I urge the Senate to now do its part and quickly approve this measure. As economic experts have made clear, the danger right now is doing too little in the way of relief, not too much. The path to recovery for all Americans remains uncertain, and now isn’t the time to slow down the support that people need.

“I look forward to continuing to work with our federal partners in the coming weeks to lay the foundation for an equitable and broad-based recovery.”


One Response to "Governor Newsom on House’s Passage of COVID Relief Plan"

  1. Dawna Eastep   March 5, 2021 10:00 pm - at 10:00 pm

    You’re not doing enough for the homeless and the jobless. Plus our numbers have been looking good I do not deserve to be talked down many states open and I actually never closed they have as many numbers guy with more people then we do. Even Texas is open, Ohio, Florida. I’m a grown up I have the right to make my own decisions. But you have tried has not worked. In my opinion time to open up and let people live their lives of course still with mask and precautions give us some credit we haven’t saved any people won’t the way that you’re doing it