Medical Cannabis Industry Telephone Townhall November 6

Los Angeles – California State Board of Equalization (BOE) Chairman Jerome E. Horton will host a Medical Cannabis Industry Telephone Townhall on Friday, November 6, 2015, from 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. at the Westchester Community Center located at 7166 West Manchester Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90045. Parking is free. Participants will learn about cannabis legislation signed by the Governor (Assembly Bills 243 and 266 and Senate Bill 643), as well as existing laws pertaining to the cannabis industry. There will be additional information about pending tax amnesty and electronic funds transfer (EFT) legislation that could affect the medical cannabis industry. Callers and participants who attend in-person will have the opportunity to ask questions, receive answers from BOE tax experts, and discuss the legislation.


“I highly encourage medical cannabis retailers to take advantage of the opportunity this seminar presents to learn about legislation and help them comply with the law, and to be able to voice their opinions about these important legislative efforts,” said Chairman Horton.

You may register online or by calling 1-888-847-9652. Registration is not required.

Those that register by Thursday, November 5, 2015, to participate by telephone will receive a call at the start of the townhall inviting them to join the call.

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Elected in 2014, Chairman Jerome E. Horton is the Third District Member of the California State Board of Equalization, representing more than 9.5 million residents in Ventura County and portions of Los Angeles and San Bernardino counties. He was first elected to the Board of Equalization in 2010. Chairman Horton also serves as the Board of Equalization’s Property Tax Committee Chairman. He is the first to serve on the Board of Equalization with more than 21 years of experience at the BOE. Horton previously served as an Assembly Member of the California State Assembly from 2000-2006.

The five-member California State Board of Equalization (BOE) is a publicly elected tax board. The BOE collects $60 billion annually in taxes and fees supporting state and local government services. It hears business tax appeals, acts as the appellate body for franchise and personal income tax appeals, and serves a significant role in the assessment and administration of property taxes. For more information on other taxes and fees in California, visit