Brentwood Police Seeking Additional Sex Crime Victims of Angels Camp Man

Brentwood, CA…In November 2020, the Brentwood Police Department initiated an investigation where Cory Baugh, male, 38 years old, from Angels Camp was accused of sexually assaulting both male and female minors several years ago, while Baugh was a resident of Brentwood. Baugh reportedly befriended the victims between 2011 and 2015. On 05/10/21, Baugh was arrested on an outstanding warrant associated with this investigation for multiple felony sex crimes involving minors. Baugh was subsequently booked into the Martinez Detention Facility.

Based on information revealed during the investigation, it is believed there may be more victims that have yet to come forward.

The Brentwood Police Department is requesting anyone with information or potential victims to contact Detective Ruth Talley at 925-809-7793.