Help Build The White Pines Skate Park for Gabriel Goszulak (April 8th, 1999-October 19th, 2015)

Arnold, CA…A caring young man had a vision of there being a skate park made in his struggling small town of Arnold, CA where kids could have a safe place to play and be active. My son, Gabriel “Goose” Goszualk had a vision and a plan. He had already started designing the skate park himself and had even approached local Calaveras County council member Michael Oliveira about his dream all on his own. Just after Goose passed last October 19 in a tragic car crash at 16 years old, Oliveira was quoted as having met with Goose 10 months ago about the skate park and that plans were already in motion! My 16 year old son had already got his vision started and plans moving all on his own!

Gabriel Goszulak was pursuing his dream to build a skate park for his community before he died at 16. Click Above & Donated To Help In Gabriel’s Honor

We are so proud of him : ) Now, it is time to see his vision through! We want to build something he would be proud of and a skate park worthy of bringing people in from out of town to help this small town. We will need to design, get permits, materials, and build it. Thankfully, the local government is already behind this! We ask all to share this fundraising campaign and donate whatever they can to the cause. Please help us make a young man’s dreams come true and create a safe place for kids to play in his community as he had wanted and already got going : )