Caldor Fire Now 400 Acres & 0% Containment

Grizzly Flats, CA…The Caldor Fire is burning in the Middle Fork Cosumnes River Canyon east of the Omo Ranch area near Sopiago Creek. Challenging terrain has made accessing the fire difficult. The fire grew to approximately 300 acres today as it moved east. Direct attack was used where possible to do so safely and firefighters scouted routes for indirect line construction. Although ordered, fixed wing aircraft were grounded by smoke at their home bases so they could not be utilized on this fire today. Three helicopters worked with firefighters all day and are expected for tomorrow. The US Forest Service and CalFire are now in unified command of the Caldor Fire. Crews are also working on a large spot fire on Big Mountain Ridge.

Weather: The inversion layer over the fire area resulted in reduced fire intensity and spread today. If the inversion lifts tomorrow, then fire activity will significantly increase. Monday’s weather is expected to be hot (about 100 degrees), with low fuel moisture levels and westerly winds. These winds would align with the Middle Fork Cosumnes River canyon and could result in increased fire activity.

Current Situation: Tonight, firefighters will continue to go direct with suppression efforts where possible on the north and west aspects of the fire.

Evacuations: El Dorado County Sheriff’s Office has issued the following —
• Evacuation orders are in effect for a 1.5 mile radius around the fire
• Evacuation warnings are in effect for portions of Omo Ranch and Leoni Meadows
• An evacuation center has been established at Diamond Springs Fire Hall.

Immediate Concerns: The communities of Omo Ranch and Leoni Meadows should be on alert and prepared to evacuate.