Calaveras County Board of Supervisors Agenda for November 26th (Already in Progress)

San Andreas, CA…Thanksgiving week had me forget about the meeting today. Yes, there is one and it is underway. The full agenda is below…

Board of Supervisors
Regular Meeting
11/26/2024 8:00 AM
Board of Supervisors Chambers

891 Mountain Ranch Road   San Andreas, CA 95249


 Agenda  Agenda Packet
Video (Windows Media) Video
Call to Order
Roll Call
Closed Session Agenda
1. Pursuant to Govt. Code § 54956.8, conference with real property negotiator Marcos Munoz re potential purchase, price, and terms of payment for APN 042-015-032, negotiating party: Jim Heryford.
2. Pursuant to Govt. Code § 54956.9(d)(1), conference with legal counsel regarding existing litigation: County of Calaveras v. Tiscornia Ranches Limited Partnership, et al., Calaveras County Superior Court Case No. 20CV45113.
3. Pursuant to Govt. Code § 54956.9(d)(2), conference with legal counsel re anticipated litigation (one case) – significant exposure to litigation.
Pledge of Allegiance
Staff Announcements
This is a time for County staff to provide updates of upcoming County events that may be of interest to the public.
Recognition and Acknowledgments
4. Adopt a Proclamation honoring Sherri Reusche and congratulating her on her retirement.
document Proclamation Printout
General Public Comment – 30 Minutes
Consent Agenda
5. Authorize the 1) Board Chair to sign five (5) agreements with Nexus Youth & Family Services to provide prevention programs, early intervention activities, and treatment services to youth and families, for a cumulative not-to-exceed amount of $250,000 for the period of October 1, 2024 through June 30, 2025; and 2) Director of Health and Human Services Agency to execute amendments thereto so long as proper internal approvals have been obtained and the not-to-exceed amount is not increased.
document Agreement Printout
a. Nexus Youth and Family Agmt. Exp. 12-31-24 Fully Executed 1
b. Nexus Youth and Family Agmt Amendment 01 Exp 6-30-25 for BOS
c. Nexus Youth and Family-Home Visitation Program Agmt Exp 6-30-25 for BOS 1
d. Nexus Youth and Family-Individual and Family Therapy Services Agmt Exp 6-30-25 for BOS 1
e. Nexus Youth and Family-PCIT and PC-CARE Agmt Exp 6-30-25 For BOS
f. Nexus Youth and Family-Therapeutic Supervised Visitation Agmt Exp 6-30-25 For BOS
6. 1) Ratify the Health and Human Services Agency Director’s signature on the Director’s Certification for the Housing and Disability Advocacy Program noncompetitive allocation; and 2) Authorize the Health and Human Services Agency Director or designee to sign the Agreement and any and all other required documents, resulting in revenue in the amount of $150,713 over the period of July 1, 2024 through June 30, 2025.
document Agreement Printout
a. HDAP Director Certification
7. 20241126r089 : Adopt a Resolution Authorizing Application to and Participation in the Behavioral Health Continuum Infrastructure Program (BHCIP).
document Resolution Printout
a. RFA bond_bhcip_round1_rfa_508
8. 1) Find project exempt from CEQA; 2) Authorize the Board Chair to sign an agreement with HealthNet resulting in revenue of $198,435; 3) Authorize the Health and Human Services Agency Director to sign subsequent agreements so long as the not-to-exceed value does not increase and appropriate internal approvals are obtained; 4) Authorize the Purchasing Agent and HHSA to purchase a laundry trailer; 5) Approve a budget transfer increasing expected revenues and increasing expenditures in the amount of $198,435; and 6) authorize the Auditor-Controller to add the equipment to the capital asset list. Requires a 4/5 vote.
document Agreement Printout
a. Health Net-CHW HHIP Grant Agreement_FINAL_Calaveras County PH_Mobile Clinic for BOS
b. Budget Transfer – Corrected
9. 20241126r090 : 1) Adopt a Resolution amending the Calaveras County Permanent Local Housing Allocation funding award and five-year plan to include the predevelopment of workforce housing; 2) Allocate $512,127 to the Down Payment Assistance and Home Accessibility Modification programs; allocate remaining funding, estimated to be $745,650 and to be expended by June 30, 2030, for the predevelopment of workforce housing; and 3) Designate the County Executive Officer, or his or her designee, as the Authorized Representative for execution of related documents.
document Resolution Printout
a. 2024-plha-formula-5-year-plan-amendment Calaveras
10. 1) Approve the creation of a new SB1 Special Revenue Fund (SRF); 2) Authorize budget modifications totaling $3,320,423; 3) Authorize the transfer out of $3,320,423 from the Road Fund to the SB1 SRF; and 4) Authorize SB1 Project Expenditure Report Submittals for Road Fund routine maintenance projects totaling $1,987,516 for FY 2023-24 and $1,161,374 for FY 2024-25. Requires a 4/5 vote.
document Action Item Printout
a. Budget Transfers
11. 20241126r091 : Approve the Probation Department to accept Providing Access and Transforming Health (PATH) Application Round 3 Grant Funding from the California Department of Health Care Services in the amount not to exceed $ 1,500,000 for use between April 1, 2024, and March 31, 2026.
document Resolution Printout
a. PATH JI Award letter
c. PATH JI Round 3 terms and conditions_20241113
12. Approve and authorize execution of contract “22psx0021” for electronic monitoring products and services between the Probation Department and Allied Universal Electronic Monitoring US at a rate of $3.20 per day/per unit, the term of which will end on November 13, 2026.
document Action Item Printout
b. Calaveras County Probation Dept._NASPO PA 22PSX0021
c. NASPO MA 22PAX0021_Allied Universal Electronic Monitoring US, Inc
d. Calaveras County Probation Department WSCA PA 00212 2013 w Addendum 1
13. Approve and Authorize the Board Chair to execute the ESRI Enterprise License Agreement Renewal for Geographic Information Systems (GIS) for the period of July 1, 2025, to June 30, 2028, at a cost of $42,200 per year, with the right to opt out prior to each contract year.
document Action Item Printout
a. 0130-2403 ESRI Agreement
b. 0130-2403 Master Agreement and Supplements
14. 1) Make public benefit finding; and 2) Approve community organization district allocations in the total amount of one thousand dollars ($1000.00) for the Valley Springs ABA Christmas Parade.
document Action Item Printout
15. Item 15 was moved to Items Pulled from the Consent Agenda
16. 20241126r092 : Adopt a resolution appointing nominees and applicants to their respective districts for the November 5, 2024, General Election.
document Resolution Printout
a. Exhibit A – Nominees with no opposition
b. Exhibit B – Appointments
d. Special District Applications-Redacted
Items Pulled from the Consent Agenda
1) Award RFP # 24-1040-01-925 for Construction Management of the New Behavioral Health Building to Vanir Construction Management, Inc.; 2) Authorize the Board Chair to execute Agreement 1040-2414 with Vanir Construction Management, Inc. in an amount not to exceed $1,127,020.00 for the term of November 12, 2024, through May 31, 2027; and 3) Authorize the County Executive Officer, or designee, to sign amendment(s) to the Agreement, if any, so long as it does not affect the not to exceed amount.
document Agreement Printout
a. Vanir – Behavioral Health Bldg Construction Management – PSA for Board Signature
Regular Agenda
17. 1) Select one member of the Board of Supervisors to act as the 2025 Rural County Representatives of California (RCRC), Golden State Connect Authority (GSCA), Golden State Fiance Authority (GSFA), and RCRC Environmental Joint Powers Authority (ESJPA) and one member to act as the alternate; and 2) appoint a 2025 2nd Alternate for the ESJPA.
document Action Item Printout
a. RCRC Memo & Form
b. RCRC 2025 Meeting Calendar
c. GSFA Memo and Form
d. GSCA Memo & Form
e. ESJPA Memo & Form
18. 20241126r093 : 1) Find Project Exempt from CEQA; 2) Conduct a Public Hearing; and 3) Adopt a Resolution Establishing Williamson Act Contract No. 393 for a total of 305.41 acres for Mark Bolger as Trustee of the Bolger Living Trust.
document Resolution Printout
a. BOS NPH for WAC 393 Bolger
b. Contract 393 for Bolger
c. NOE Bolger 393
d. Planning Commission Staff Report Packet for Bolger 10-24-24
19. 20241126o3209 : 1) Find Project Exempt from CEQA; 2) Authorize summary publication and a brief property description; 3) Conduct a public hearing; and 4) Adopt an ordinance amending the zoning of APNs: 050-023-027 & 052-017-090 from General Agriculture (A1) to Agriculture Preserve (AP) for Mark Bolger as Trustee of the Bolger Living Trust due to the establishment of an Agriculture Preserve and Williamson Act Contract No. 393 totaling 305.41 acres.
document Ordinance Printout
a. BOS NPH for WAC 393 Bolger
b. PROPOSED NOE Bolger 393
c. Summary Notice for Bolger 2024-058 ZA
e. Planning Commission Staff Report Packet for 10-24-24
Supervisor Announcements
In compliance with Govt. Code § 53232.3(d), Board members shall provide brief reports on any meetings attended at the expense of the local agency, and may make other announcements or report out.