City of Angels Camp, Union Public Utility District & Utica Water & Power Authority Adopt a 15% Water Conservation Target

Angels Camp & Murphys, CA…Residents who live in the greater Murphys and Angels Camp area are being asked to curb water use by 15% compared to 2020 usage. This voluntary request was approved by the Union Public Utility District, City of Angels Camp and Utica Water and Power Authority.

A joint release from the Joint Powers Authority (JPA) consisting of: Union Public Utility District (UPUD), City of Angels Camp (COA) and Utica Water and Power Authority (Utica)

This move comes after the State Water Resources Control Board (SWRCB) sent notice to Utica that its water supply from the Stanislaus River was under a sweeping curtailment order that impacts the Sacramento and San Joaquin River watersheds and their tributaries. Fortunately, Utica’s water supply comes from previously-stored water, which is not subject to curtailment.

Angels City Administrator, Melissa Eads, said while the region is fortunate to have reliable water supplies during this drought, she encourages residents to look for ways to cut back.

“We acknowledge customers have made sacrifices in past years to save water, and we are grateful for those efforts,” Eads said. “With the approval of this 15% voluntary conservation target, we’re not asking residents to let their lawns and gardens die. What we’d like to see is our community members paying close attention to their water usage and avoiding obvious water waste, such as leaks, overwatering landscaping and unnecessary indoor water use. With small changes, we should be able to come together as a community and be part of the statewide solution to this water crisis.”

The UPUD Board approved the 15% voluntary target on August 18, the Utica Board on August 24, and the City on September 7. With all members on the same page regarding water conservation, the JPA instructed staff to continue providing the community at large with updated information about how to conserve water indoors and outdoors to meet the 15% conservation target.

“While UWPA is fortunate to have water deliveries to meet our agricultural customers’ needs during this drought, we need to be thinking ahead in case we have another dry year,” said Ralph Chick, UWPA Board President. “Any water we save this year could be stored in high-country reservoirs and saved for next year in case conditions get even worse.”

City of Angels Mayor Alvin Broglio echoed these sentiments.

“We should all be trying to conserve water during this drought,” Broglio said. “Let’s try to hit that 15% target and hope we have a wet winter.”

UPUD President Eric Bottomley thanked customers for their cooperation during a summer with record heat waves.

“I just want to express my Board’s gratitude to people who are doing what they can to use water in an efficient manner,” Bottomley said. “I know people need water more than ever during this hot, dry summer and we appreciate anything you can do to pitch in on saving water in case next year is dry.”

All UPUD, COA and Utica customers will receive water conservation information on their bills or via letter this month and in the months to come.

For more information about water conservation, go to, or

See Below for a Message from the Calaveras Conserves Partnership

Calaveras Conserves is a water conservation partnership that was formed in Spring, 2015 as an opportunity for agencies to provide a consistent outreach message to the community during droughts, and all major water agencies in Calaveras County are members. As a partnership, these agencies are meeting regularly during the current drought with the goal of providing the most up-to-date water conservation information for customers throughout the County.

As California is currently faced with a historic drought, Calaveras Conserves is encouraging all Calaveras County residents to use water wisely to maximize supplies and protect our water reserves in the event of yet another dry winter. In response to this drought, State officials are calling on all Californians to voluntarily reduce water consumption by 15 percent compared to 2020 levels. Multiple Calaveras Conserves partnering agencies including UPUD, COA, Utica, Calaveras County Water District, and Blue Lake Springs Municipal Water Company have adopted voluntary water conservation targets for their customers. The Calaveras Conserves webpage includes a summary of how each partnering water agency in the County is responding to water shortages based on the water supply conditions within their service area.

With high temperatures in the peak of summer, it is more important than ever to use water wisely. Calaveras residents can practice water efficiency, save money and make a difference in the State’s water crisis by fixing leaks, taking shorter showers, installing water efficient landscaping, and avoiding outdoor watering during the hottest part of the day 10 a.m. – 5 p.m.

For more information regarding current water supply conditions and conservation efforts specific to your water district, please contact your local water agency. For additional information tips for water conservation, visit the Calaveras Conserves webpage at or