FORRFS Requested current needs 12/21/15

Railroad Flat Ca. The Friends of Rail Road Flat School Butte Fire Relief Efforts a 501c3 that is working directly with the Butte Fire Victims through their Donation Center and their Mobile Donation Van in working hard 7 days a week to help in any way they can the Butte Fire Victims who are still living out on their properties with in the Butte Fire Perimeter. This is their Contact Information and their Needs List for those they are helping. If you can help them in any way please use one of the contacts listed and help out somebody worse off than you are if it is with in your heart to do as such. When this 501c3 submits to me a new list I will post it up as soon as possible so stay tuned to here at The Pine Tree.

Henry’s 208 wet patch in calking tubes.
Caulking Guns
Gallons of water
Wag Bags
Solar Showers
Composting Toilets
New Socks
Clorox Bleach Wipes
Duck tape

If you are a Fire Victim and in Need of Supplies please Contact Us. We Can Help!
Autumn Andahl – (209)304-8932
Rochelle Sweet – (209) 256-7587
Holly Mines – (209)293-4953/(916)477-8125
Terry Miner – (209)293-4399
Like our Friends of Rail Road Flat School Facebook Page for Updates
We welcome Cash Donations and Specific Items – contact us to donate. We will be available as long as the recovery need is present. FORRFS is a 501c3 Non-Profit PO Box 223 Rail Road Flat Ca. 95248