Bear Valley Mourns The Loss Of Dave Edney

Bear Valley, CA…It is with great sadness, the Bear Valley Fire Department and Bear Valley Search and Rescue announce the passing of one of their members; Dave Edney. On February 13th, shortly after completing one of his notorious workouts, Dave collapsed, and in spite of the efforts of the responding medical personnel, Dave passed away. The exact cause in still unknown. Dave will be remembered for his unequalled work ethic, his unbelievably positive attitude, no matter what the circumstances, and his willingness to do anything to help a friend. Dave was an extreme endurance athlete, who completely embodied the Bear Valley lifestyle in his love of the Great Outdoors.


Sheriff Stephens and the entire BVFD/BVSAR family send their condolences to Dave’s family and friends in this horribly sad time. Plans have not yet been made for a memorial, but we will pass that information along when it becomes available.

One Response to "Bear Valley Mourns The Loss Of Dave Edney"

  1. Mary Martel Angel   February 18, 2016 8:31 am - at 8:31 am

    Thank you for this information, although it’s painful to see. We are grateful for all that Dave has done and been and we know his death is a huge loss to the earth and all her beings.