Search Teams Located Don Peterson Safe & Sound

Arnold, CA…The Calaveras County Sheriff’s Department has released that: “Missing person Don Peterson was located and is safe. He will be checked by medics as a precaution. Thank you for your assistance. ” Our area is very lucky that we have active and committed Calaveras County Search & Rescue Teams to augment our local law enforcement and emergency personnel. Below is one of the search teams just getting back in and EPFD Medics awaiting Mr. Peterson’s arrival after being brought in by searchers…



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The Calaveras County Search & Rescue is always looking for volunteers and support! From their website below…



Help us save lives! Make a donation today. With your contributions we improve training and upgrade equipment, striving to maintain the highest level of preparedness for every rescue emergency. Sometimes it is just the slightest edge in the field that makes the lifesaving difference. We want that edge.

Calaveras county terrain is diverse and our weather unpredictable, so we train for the unexpected. Our members certify in high and low angle mountain rescue, swift water river rescue, night navigation and tracking. Our search and rescue volunteers are the first response for lost or injured persons in all off-road and wilderness areas.

Calaveras County Search & Rescue has served this region for 31 years.  We are funded by you, our community, and by grants awarded to first responder organizations. Calaveras Search & Rescue is a non-profit, 501C California Corporation staffed entirely by local volunteers. When the lives of our neighbors are threatened, we’ll be there, any time, any place.


Each year Calaveras County Search & Rescue Volunteers spend an average of 900 hours searching for lost hikers and evacuating the injured from wilderness environments. Those same volunteers spend 3000 hours per year training to prepare for those emergencies.

Why do volunteers do what they do? Team member and colleague, Steve Shields, said it well: “Not many things in life boil down so simply and essentially to that of saving lives and aiding the injured. I have found no greater and humbling accomplishment in life.”


Click on the “Donate” button below to help us save a life.  Giving is fast and secure.  Calaveras Search & Rescue is a non-profit, 501C California Corporation, so your donation is tax deductible (federal & state tax ID 94-3189527).

Or if you wish please send your tax deductible donation to:

Calaveras County Search & Rescue
P.O. Box 3090
Arnold, CA  95223

One Response to "Search Teams Located Don Peterson Safe & Sound"

  1. Bob   February 26, 2016 10:54 am - at 10:54 am

    Excellent work by everyone involved. Welcome home!