The Peterson Family Says Thank You!!

Arnold, CA…THANK YOU!! We are so fortunate to live in this amazing community. Don Peterson was reported missing on the Arnold Rim Trail around noon on Thursday, the 25th of February. Ebbetts Pass Fire Department and the Sheriff’s Department were on scene at the Logging Museum within minutes. The Sheriff’s Department contacted Ebbetts Pass Search and Rescue and by 2 PM SARS volunteers were on site. posted Don’s picture online and the Arnold community was immediately ready to help with the search.

Unfortunately Don was not located Thursday and spent the night in a bed of pine needles with his dog Danny. The SARS volunteers worked through the night in their search and on Friday SARS from Amador and Toulumne counties arrived early to help in the search.

A very good samaritan, JP Santos decided not to go skiing and took one more ride on his motor bike to go a bit farther on the trails. At 9:30 AM Friday, JP located Don and immediately notified the authorities that he had been found and he stayed with Don until help arrived.

Without all the agencies, friends, neighbors and strangers searching for Don and Danny (the dog) this could have been a very sad event. Don and Danny are both doing fine.

Sincerely, Don Peterson and his family

One Response to "The Peterson Family Says Thank You!!"

  1. Bob   March 4, 2016 6:53 pm - at 6:53 pm

    We are so lucky to live in a community that responds so quickly in any emergency.
    This is one example of many that shows the real heart and soul of the residents. So happy for a great outcome. And so thankful for all who went out of their way, especially the motorcyclist, for a community member in trouble.