Good Samaritans Help Rescue Stranded Oakdale Family

Sonora, CA…What started out as a weekend cabin trip on Saturday the 27th, turned out to be four days of being lost and stranded almost leaving the family with no food. The Hughes family from Oakdale, found themselves lost and stuck with their vehicle. On the fourth day, David started to hike out to find help, leaving a trail leading to his wife Ashley, 3 month old son Hunter, 2 year old son Sam, and 6 year old son David. Two good Samaritans riding dirt bikes encountered David and followed him to the family. The two Samaritans brought in food and water to the Hughes family and then rode to an area where they could call for help.

Stranded Hughes family rescue-001

Barry Baxter notified the Sheriff’s Office around 3:30 P.M. that the family was stranded and needed help near the Buchanan Road area in Tuolumne City. Dep. Boujikian knew she needed to get to the family before it got dark. Dep. Boujikian and Search and Rescue member Matt Bloom, followed the dirt bike riders in as far as they could go with a

They hiked into the family on foot the rest of the way and then they all hiked out together. The kids were hungry so Dep. Boujikian drove the family to Burger King for dinner and then to a hotel for the evening. We are so thankful for the amazing help of the good Samaritans, our Deputies and SAR members, who helped with this rescue and the positive outcome for this family.

One Response to "Good Samaritans Help Rescue Stranded Oakdale Family"

  1. Bob   March 4, 2016 6:50 pm - at 6:50 pm

    There’s some great KARMA for their Karma banks.
    What a lucky family.