Local Fire Agencies Secure Grant Funding for Self-Contained Breathing Apparatus (SCBA) Units

Columbia, CA…Columbia Fire Protection District, City of Sonora, Tuolumne City Fire, Mi Wuk/Sugar Pine Fire Protection District, and the Fire Agencies for the Sovereign Tribal Nations of the Tuolumne Band of Me-Wuk and Chicken Ranch Band of Mi-Wuk were successful in a regional AFG Assistance to Firefighters Grant in the amount of $710,880 to purchase new Self-Contained Breathing Apparatus (SCBA). These are the “air-packs” that Firefighters use when fighting structure fires, vehicle fires, potentially hazardous material release, or any other Immediate Danger to Life Hazard (IDLH) situation.

“This new equipment will allow these agencies to meet the newest National Fire Protection Association standards and allow for interoperability among agencies. This life saving equipment will replacing an aging inventory that is at the end of its life period.” said Mark Ferreira, former Fire Chief at Columbia Fire Protection District who oversaw the Grant Management application process. “Not only will these new SCBA’s help the jurisdictions who obtained the funding, but they will also serve neighboring agencies through the Automatic Aid Agreement. By obtaining this funding, it will free up funds earmarked to purchase new SCBA’s and allow agencies to use those cost savings elsewhere.”

Mark Ferreira and Aimee New, Fire Chief from City of Sonora Fire Department, are the two authorized organization representatives on the grant and will be working with the other agencies to purchase the new equipment and oversee the grant process.

The approximate cost for one SCBA unit, which includes the harness, face piece, and two air cylinders, is approximately $8,000 per unit. The new SCBA’s will also be equipped with a voice box to help amplify a firefighter’s voice during an emergency.

Funding for this grant was provided by the Department of Homeland Security, Assistance to Firefighters Grant program funded by Congress.