Calaveras County Grand Jury Report – Teach An Old Dog New Tricks

San Andreas, CA…The 2022-2023 Calaveras County Civil Grand Jury has released a report entitled “Teaching An Old Dog New Tricks”. The Summary section of the report states why the grand jury undertook the investigation and notes the report’s most significant issues, findings, and recommendations, as follows:

“The Calaveras County Civil Grand Jury’s (CCGJ) decision to investigate the Calaveras County Animal Services Department was in accordance with California Penal Code §925 which states in part “…investigations may be conducted on some selective basis each year.” The Grand Jury was interested in assessing the overall operations of the facility as well as the operations and management of the Animal Shelter.

The Grand Jury concluded that the Animal Shelter, built in the 1950s, remains inadequate. As reported in past Grand Jury reports dating back to 1987, the shelter is understaffed, unsanitary, underfunded, overcrowded, as well as unappealing, and in need of replacement.

Until a new shelter is built, Animal Services would benefit from a makeover. The shelter needs more staffing, a user-friendly website, and a more inviting marketing strategy to the Calaveras County residents.”

Please inform your readers about the grand jury’s new report, including in your article the grand jury’s website The following link may also be used to view the report – Teaching An Old Dog New Tricks.