Today is National Wildland Firefighter Day!

San Andreas, CA…Honoring our nation’s wildland firefighters – Join us in paying tribute to the brave individuals who answer the call throughout the year to combat wildfires in our great nation. Wildland firefighters respond to thousands of wildland fires every year across California and tens of thousands across the US.

Factors such as drought, increased flashy fuels, and wildfires in the wildland-urban interface have presented them with increasingly complex and challenging fire activity. And yet, they remain undeterred, rising to the occasion year after year. Their dedication and resilience know no bounds. They are the guardians who save lives, protect property, preserve communities, safeguard infrastructure, and defend our precious natural and cultural resources.

Let us express our heartfelt gratitude to these extraordinary men and women who risk their lives to keep us safe.
#WildlandFirefighters #NationalWildlandFirefighterDay #CALFIRE