Supervisor Michael C. Oliveira On Green Waste

Arnold, CA…With April just around the corner and the pine needles and logs piling up, I need to bring the folks up to date on our lot cleaning issues and what to do with the waste. Red Hill Disposal site is up and running now with a linear grinder that will take logs up to 18” in diameter and cut to lengths no longer than 5 foot long. Shorter lengths are preferred for handling into the grinder. Pine needles are still accepted but will be stock piled according to our State Certification regulations. This limits the storage space on site so it’s best to call and see if they are accepting pine needles on busy days. Please remember that no commercial lot cleaning can use Red Hill Disposal at this time. Private lot owners can dispose of 2 cubic yards per day of green waste for free. Additional waste will be charged at a rate of $4.00 per cubic yard.


Rock Creek is now up and running with a new tub grinder that can handle logs up to 36” in diameter and no longer than 5 feet in length. Pine needles are accepted by all parties including commercial lot cleaners at a price of $4.00 per cubic yard.

Gene Miller has purchased an Air Curtain Burner which he expects will be in operation hopefully by the 1st of April in Avery. The price of pine needle disposal is $8.00 per cubic yard at this time but may be adjusted after a period of operation. Cal-Fire will determine the burn days on a daily basis and will control the burner operation. Once advised, Gene will not be able to burn or accept pine needles until given the O.K. by Cal-Fire. He is accepting logs in 8 foot and 16 foot lengths only at no cost. Pine needles with sticks up to 1” in diameter are acceptable.

There are several other projects in the works regarding green waste but nothing firm yet. I will have more information soon hopefully.

Michael C. Oliveira

One Response to "Supervisor Michael C. Oliveira On Green Waste"

  1. Bob   March 17, 2016 9:14 pm - at 9:14 pm

    I’m paying an arm and a leg to have my lot cleared. I’ve been putting money aside just for that. I can’t do it myself so I have to hire someone. It’s higher because he has to drive further to dispose the pine needles. Big bummer. I hope that changes soon.
    I haven’t seen any discounts for seniors or those who are disabled.
    Then what comes in the mail? The fire fee ….my responsibility to pay it but the timing is off. Best of luck to everyone.