Services For Tracy Girard Are Tomorrow At Bret Harte

Angels Camp, CA…Family and friends of Tracy Girard will be having a service Sunday at the Bret Harte multi purpose room at 2pm. Anyone is welcome. Then on Monday we will be having the funeral Monday at Skylawn in half moon bay at 3pm. The address for Bret Harte is 364 Murphys grade road, Angels camp CA 95222

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Tracy passed away while on the lung transplant list. He fought with everything he had against a rare, lung disease. Below are a few details from the GoFundMe page set up for his benefit…

“Hello, My name is Tracy Girard and I want to first say that I have the best friends anyone could ask for. They have lifted my spirits on a daily basis. For the last 4 years I was working my trucking business and and was on the road most of the time. I finally got out of it because I never saw my family. Then, Last May I developed a cough. Within months the cough was so bad I could hardly breathe and was getting worse. December 26, 2014 I cough so bad that I finally went to the hospital and got admitted right away. We did CT Scans, Xrays, Breathing Treatments, heavy antibiotics…..Nothing helped! Fast Forward to present day. I now have Pulmonary Fibrosus, Orgonizing Pnuemonia and Mycobacterium Avium Complex (MAC) and need a double lung transplant ASAP. I have 6 wonderful children who I love with all my heart. I am not ready to say goodbye!! I lost 80% of my lung function in less than 1 year. It usually takes 6 months to a year on average to get lungs. The math is pretty simple.”

One Response to "Services For Tracy Girard Are Tomorrow At Bret Harte"

  1. Bob   March 19, 2016 4:35 pm - at 4:35 pm

    You have a beautiful family to carry your legacy forward.
    I’m sorry the transplant list is so long.
    Peace to all, some day.