Grant Us Wisdom ~ By Congressman Tom McClintock

Washington, D.C. – Representative McClintock (CA-05) delivered the following remarks yesterday during debate on the House floor. The Congressman spoke in opposition to a motion to vacate the chair: If there was ever a time for sobriety, wisdom and caution in this House, it is right now.

If this motion carries, the House will be paralyzed. We can expect week after week of fruitless ballots while no other business can be conducted. The Democrats will revel in Republican dysfunction and the public will rightly be repulsed. It will end when the Democrats are able to enlist a rump caucus of Republicans to join a coalition to end the impasse. This House will shift dramatically to the left and will effectively end the Republican House majority that the voters elected in 2022.

This, in turn, will neutralize the only counterweight in our elected government to the woke left’s control of the Senate and the White House at a time when their policies are destroying our economy and have opened our borders to invasion.

There are turning points in history whose significance is only realized by the events that they unleash. This is one of those times. We are at the precipice. There are only minutes left to come to our senses and realize the grave danger our country is in at this moment. Dear God grant us the wisdom to see it and to save our country from it.
