Bad Seed Now Playing at The Metropolitan

San Andreas, CA…The scene is a small Southern town where Colonel and Christine Penmark live with their daughter, Rhoda. Little Rhoda Penmark is the evil queen of the story. On the surface she is sweet, charming, full of old-fashioned graces, loved by her parents, admired by all her elders. But Rhoda’s mother has an uneasy feeling about her. When one of Rhoda’s schoolmates is mysteriously drowned at a picnic, Mrs. Penmark is alarmed. For the boy who was drowned was the one who had won the penmanship medal that Rhoda felt she deserved. Fridays and Saturdays at 7 pm / Sundays at 2 pm.

Tickets at

Friday & Saturday at 7pm
Sunday 2:00 pm

The Metropolitan Theater

59 Main Street San Andreas, CA 95249

Fourth Wall Entertainment Troupe
59 Main Street San Andreas, CA 95249

This event repeats weekly every Friday Saturday until 11/05/2023