Frogtown Difference Maker- Aldie Broglio

Angels Camp, CA(Frogtown, USA)…The Calaveras County Fair and Jumping Frog Jubilee is appreciative of our volunteers and staff. They make the annual event possible. Aldie Broglio is one of our amazing volunteers. Aldie currently serves on the Junior Livestock Committee. Aldie has served on the Junior Livestock Committee for more than 20 years. He organizes work days, special projects and currently serves as the JLC’s treasurer. Over the years he has been a 4-H leader and assists the Bret Harte FFA Boosters with their annual fundraiser.

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Aldie and his wife Paula live in Angels Camp. They volunteer endless hours in the community.

Thank you Aldie for your service! You are a Difference Maker!

3 Responses to "Frogtown Difference Maker- Aldie Broglio"

  1. Cheryl Hoag   April 11, 2016 2:26 pm - at 2:26 pm

    An amazing man as is his family. Thank you Aldie for all you have done for the children of Calaveras County.

  2. Karen boyd   April 11, 2016 5:28 pm - at 5:28 pm

    Awesome and selfless people! You deserve a pat on the back for sure. This just touches on a very small part of what your family does for this community. We are all so greatful and love you dearly!

  3. Leslee Jack   April 11, 2016 5:42 pm - at 5:42 pm

    A true SAINT. Aldie is the best as is his wife Paula. Love you both.