Bret Harte High School Now Home Of The Tony Tyrrell Sports Complex

Angels Camp, CA…Behind most great organizations there is invariably one or two people who are the driving force to see that progress is made and plans come to fruition. Behind Bret Harte’s beautiful facilities and sports venues that many colleges would be proud to have that driving force has been and is Tony Tyrrell. From walking the halls in the state capital in search of grants and contributions to getting bond measures on ballots and endless fundraising he has done it all. It has never been about Tony but always about the school, it’s students and the community as a whole.

The bronze plaque now affixed to the aquatic center wall says the following: Bret Harte Union High School District in Honor of Tony Tyrrell, Governing Board Member of Bret Harte Union High School District and Long-Time Bret Harte Supporter, Whose Tireless and Selfless Work Benefits Our Students, Athletic Programs, Facility Projects, School and Community, This Sports Center is Hereby Named The Tony Tyrrell Sports Complex.

Dedicated April 16, 2016. Governing Board, Joan Lark, President, Dr. Rodger Orman, Gail Bunge, Jeff Rasmussen & Superintendent Michael S. Chimente.

The dedication was a surprise for Tony and his wife, three daughters, many of his grandchildren and family members were present and many flew in from all over the country to honor Tony. There were some concerns that if Mr. Tyrrell would have known in advance he may have tried to scuttle the honor, worked to sell the naming rights to the highest bidder, or at least turned the event into a fundraiser.

One short story told to me by Sarah Lunsford several years ago sums up Tony’s drive to make Bret Harte High School the shining facility it is today. At the time Sarah was serving as a field representative for State Senator Tim Leslie or maybe Dave Cogdill. During this time period I believe it was fundraising for the Performing Arts Center that was top of the list.

Tony Tyrrell became very will known in the halls of the capital as he advocated for Bret Harte. Tony worked tirelessly from staff member to staff member and elected official to elected official. He was persuasive enough, and his force of will so strong that the only way they could avoid contributing to projects Tony was advocating for was to not let Tony catch them.

As the facilities and campus of Bret Harte and the now aptly named Tony Tyrrell Sports Complex show he was able to catch most of them. Tony Tyrrell is not done yet and has plans for soccer fields to be added to the campus. If you see Tony heading towards you with a smile and determined look, hold on to your wallet!

Thank You Tony Tyrrell and it is because of men like you that our communities are the wonderful places they are to live. Your efforts have made all of our lives better.

























2 Responses to "Bret Harte High School Now Home Of The Tony Tyrrell Sports Complex"

  1. Donna Stevenson   April 19, 2016 6:12 pm - at 6:12 pm

    Congratulations Tony…. You deserve this honor!

  2. Tim Dinges   April 20, 2016 10:17 am - at 10:17 am

    Uncle Tony it all looks great congrats Tim Dinges