Big Plans at Big Trees State Park for Earth Day!

Arnold, CA…We’re Calaveras Big Trees State Park, of course we have plans for Earth Day! 🌲Join us next weekend, 4/20-4/21, and the day itself, Monday 4/22, to celebrate Earth Day! 🥳Saturday and Sunday we will have an Inspiration Station from 11:00am-2:00pm by our Visitor Center where you can learn all the big and little ways you can help the environment. Plus, as you can see, there’s a cute photo booth attached!

Want to explore and learn more about the park? Our nonprofit partner, the Calaveras Big Trees Association, will be hosting a seminar on bird watching Saturday 4/20 10am-12pm at our Education Building. There will be a guided bird walk on Sunday, 4/21, at 9:30am leaving from our Visitor Center and a guided hike around the North Grove Saturday 4/20 at 11:30 and Monday 4/22 at 11:30.
Can’t make it to the park? We’re also doing a live webinar: California Redwoods VS Climate Change with Hendy Woods State Park Monday 4/22 at 11:00. Sign up for it here:…/WN_ZwKfEnsvRTWaDpvxP7Av3Q
Phew! Thanks for hanging in there, we just ❤ the earth!

Event occurs on 04/20/2024 from All Day to .