Mornings with the One Percent™ Board of Supervisors Streaming Now

Arnold, CA…Mornings with the One Percent™ is live weekday mornings. The premise for the show is that the USDA ranked all 3,142 counties or county equivalents in the USA on a livability or desirability scale based on factors such as climate, scenic beauty, bodies of water for recreation, humidity and much more. All of our area ranked not only in the top one percent but in the top one half of one percent. So in the ups and downs of daily life remember you don’t have to be a Gates, Buffett or Bezos to live like the one percent. Just live here!

12 Responses to "Mornings with the One Percent™ Board of Supervisors Streaming Now"

  1. Anonymous   October 8, 2024 9:29 am - at 9:29 am

    Elon Musk gave a long-form interview to Tucker Carlson, and in it, he addressed why, in part, he believes Kamala Harris is getting so much support among the celebrity set. Musk believes they have something to hide and they’re backing Harris in hopes to cover it up.

    “I think part of why Kamala’s getting so much support is because if Trump wins, that Epstein client list is going to become public. And some of those billionaires behind Kamala are terrified of that outcome,” he said.

    “Do you think Reid Hoffman’s uncomfortable?” Carlson asked.

    “Yeah,” Musk said, “and Gates.”

    Carlson said that he thought both Bill Gates and Hoffman seem nervous. “You can just look at them and you think ‘that’s a nervous person right there,'” Carlson said.

    “Reid Hoffman was my vice president of business development at PayPal,” Musk said, laughing. He said that he believed that Hoffman is “terrified of a Trump victory.”

    Both Musk and Carlson have come out in favor of Trump, and they discussed that. “If Trump doesn’t win this election,” Musk said, “it’s the last election we’re going to have. That the Democrats—the Dem machine, has been importing—has been bringing in so many illegals, flying them in with this like CBP border app thing, that nobody even knew about, this secret program.”

    He said the program is essentially illegal and that the large number of illegal immigrants that have been coming in have been flown and resettled primarily in swing states. “There are triple digit increases in illegals to all the swing states, and in some cases it’s like 700 percent over the last three years. These swing state margins are sometimes ten, twenty thousand votes. So what happens if you put hundreds of thousands of people in swing states?”

    Asylum seekers, he said, whose claims are approved, are then fast-tracked for green cards and citizenship, and while their values may not align with the Democrat Party, their primary concern is getting their relatives into the US. Because of this, Musk said, these immigrants will tend to vote for Democrats. The Biden-Harris Department of Justice has sued SpaceX for not hiring asylum seekers, despite the law that says he cannot hire anyone who is not a citizen or permanent resident due to the sensitive nature of the work they do.

    That’s a big part of the reason why Musk said he’s “all in” on Trump. “In the deep end,” Musk said, though he worries that should Trump lose “there may be some vengeance” against him. He and Carlson laughed about it.

    If Harris wins, Musk suspects that Democrats will try to shut down X and may try to prosecute the company and Musk himself

  2. Anonymous   October 8, 2024 10:07 am - at 10:07 am

    Spot on and why anyone who loves their children and their country even if they hate Trump needs to hold their nose and vote Trump.

    Voting Dem now is voting for just plain evil. The Dems hate you and your freedoms.

    • Anonymous   October 8, 2024 10:16 am - at 10:16 am

      Trump and Musk. Two whack job peas in a pod. The responders above are obviously cultists. Neither Trump nor Musk give one flying fuk about you two morons above. Yet you would get down on your knees for either one and follow their every command. Didya’ see Musk in Pa.? What a doofus. Always trying to be cool, always looking stupid. Hey Elon!! Nice job with X. Its now lost 80% of its value since you took over. Nice job. And isn’t it about time his government contracts and his conflicts of interest are looked into? Voting dem “evil”? Voting Trump just plain stupid and very low intelligence like.

      • Anonymous   October 8, 2024 11:00 am - at 11:00 am

        It’s not about them!!!! It’s about your kids freedom of speech rights. Even if you loath Trump the Dems will turn this country into a one party country.

        The US and it’s structural freedoms are Done!

      • Anonymous   October 8, 2024 11:02 am - at 11:02 am

        I’ll take being “low intelligence” any over straight up evil 🙂

  3. Anonymous   October 8, 2024 10:29 am - at 10:29 am

    We are hearing the rhetoric of hitler from the orange one.
    The very same talk- immigrants are vermin, polluting our blood, they are evil,he said all immigrants will be deported.
    This all in mein kampf , the book hitler wrote in prison.
    The orange one kept a copy in his bedside table according to his ex wife Ivana.
    This guy is an agent for Putin.
    He outed many American spies, who were systemically killed after tyhe meeting at trump tower, seen on Tv a warm greeting with the Russian diplomat smiling broadly.
    But many choose the loss of democracy for the cult of hate.

    • Anonymous   October 8, 2024 11:24 am - at 11:24 am

      The Dems are anti democracy!!!! They will give you the appearance of a vote with no actual difference in choices!!!

      Choice A swamp creature vs choice B swamp creature.

  4. Anonymous   October 8, 2024 10:54 am - at 10:54 am

    I personally would never give musk a dime. I don’t know exactly what is wrong with this guy. It’s like he is half of a human being.

    • Anonymous   October 8, 2024 11:12 am - at 11:12 am

      That half a human is almost singlehandedly driving US innovation. Dems don’t care about innovation or even being able to get astronauts to our space station. All the care about is control.

  5. Anonymous   October 8, 2024 11:01 am - at 11:01 am

    As far as Trump. He would sell his own mother to stay out of prison

  6. Anonymous   October 8, 2024 11:10 am - at 11:10 am

    Nice . The Department of Homeland Security and multiple Republican governors had to go public. To Explain that Donald J Trump Is lying about the Hurricane Relief. Lying about the Border. Lying about Everything. The Man is a Convicted FELON. Fighting to Stay out of PRISON. Very PRESIDENTIAL…

  7. Anonymous   October 8, 2024 11:15 am - at 11:15 am

    Trucker Carlson. I don’t believe he is working for American Interests. I believe he does his bidding for Russia and PUTIN. Tucker wants the United States out of NATO. Sounds like the BIG V MAN TO Me ….


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