LA Mayor Karen Bass holds press briefing on California wildfires

18 Responses to "LA Mayor Karen Bass holds press briefing on California wildfires"

  1. Anonymous   January 9, 2025 11:31 am - at 11:31 am

    You’re done Karen!

  2. Anonymous   January 9, 2025 11:33 am - at 11:33 am

    Just trying to save your ass.

    • Anonymous   January 9, 2025 3:18 pm - at 3:18 pm

      California Governor Gavin Newsom was confronted on the streets on Thursday by a woman about the lack of water to fight wildfires in Los Angeles as the fires have destroyed homes, businesses, as well as taken at least five lives.

      As Newsom was walking towards his SUV, a woman who said she lived in the neighborhood confronted him, asking what he’s going to do to help. “That was my daughter’s school,” she said.

      Newsom pointed to his phone, claiming that he was “literally talking with the president right now,” gesturing towards his phone, “to specifically answer the question of what we can do for you and your daughter.”

      The woman asked to listen in on the call, saying, “Can I hear your call, cause I don’t believe it.” Newsom said he’s tried “five times” to call, which was why he was “walking around, to try and make the call.”

      “Why is the president not taking your call?” the woman asked. Newsom said it was because the call wasn’t going through.

      The woman later questioned why there was no water in the fire hydrants and whether things “are going to be different next time.” Newsom said, “It has to be.”

      “What are you going to do to fill up the hydrants? I would fill them up personally, you know that,” she said, adding, “but would you do that?” The woman pleaded with Newsom for any answers on what help he’s going to give, but Newsom got into his SUV to leave.

      Newsom has come under fire by President-elect Donald Trump, who has blamed the California leader for the wildfires that have burned tens of thousands of acres since Tuesday. Newsom has claimed that Trump is politicizing the disaster by criticizing California’s climate change policies.

      Just another reason why Blue is the Universal color related to a person choking to death.

      PS: Parents, don’t let your children grow up to be liberal Hamacrat Socialist.

  3. Anonymous   January 9, 2025 12:27 pm - at 12:27 pm

    We in the Motherlode are one match, one spark, and a wind event away from this same devastation! I personally have experienced Santa Ana winds, there is no one alive on this earth that could control a fire under these conditions, we have or could have the same scenario here, once it gets going no one is going to stop it! Fire has no respect for income, or wealth! Every property burned in this LA fire will have to be scraped down to mineral soil, the debris hauled away, infrastructure rebuilt, roads, water, sewer, electricity, rebuilt, then those that can afford to rebuild will start the permit process, the same would happen here. Think of it, a wind driven fire in the hiway 4 corridor, and we could be in the same boat! I have no answers, but wanted to point that out to people that want to fire this person, eliminate this or that. California, for yrs has been it’s worst enemy, voting ridiculous people to manage our state, putting social agendas ahead of practical ideas that actually helps our citizens, catering to every screwball idea over practical, common sense , getting things done!
    We are privileged to live in this state, The Motherlode, the canyons of LA County, time to analyze what our states goals are, and get back to common sense management of our state. Protecting people that broke our laws at the southern border, investing in panacea trains to no where, allowing these ridiculous laws putting men in women’s sports, are just a few of them, while Rome burns, and thousands of citizens are wondering what’s next in their lives, where do I find a place to live, where are my kids going to school, everything most of us take for granted. I hope this is a wake-up call to many that think our state deserves better leadership! God bless America, and help those that have lost everything to get the help they need!

    • Anonymous   January 9, 2025 12:43 pm - at 12:43 pm

      How was your trip Ghana Africa?

    • Anonymous   January 9, 2025 12:46 pm - at 12:46 pm

      Another democrat.

    • Anonymous   January 9, 2025 4:03 pm - at 4:03 pm

      What do you expect when your Governor lies to you and YOU are so ignorant and don’t know it. Remember when Governor Newsom was caught lying about 90,000 acres that he told everyone that was cleared of brush, dead fuels and he’s doing g what a responsible Governor does? You don’t even know how one thing about that lie, do you? Do you know why? Your ignorance, your stupidity of voting because you’re easily manipulated, you’re played year after year, it’s as easy as stealing candy from a baby. All these left Socialist have to do to you is promising something for free if you vote for them.
      Here, this is your typical Democrat politician that you think is doing a great job, in the most expensive state in North America, and the same one with the worst air.pollution, worst financially run, and The Worst Quality of Life.

  4. Anonymous   January 9, 2025 2:18 pm - at 2:18 pm

    Ignoring climate change, typical MAGA.
    Blame Democrats, when the Republicans owners deny climate change, and attack a clean energy, the future around the world.
    The world is leaving America in the trash heap as it justly deserves.
    The old $ , the old thinking all to preserve their dying fossil fuel fetish and investments.
    MAGA will finish off America, good job billionaires.
    $, $, $ won, the majority in the US , the world lost.

    $ bought , sold out America.

    • Anonymous   January 9, 2025 2:22 pm - at 2:22 pm

      Go buy a rake.

    • Anonymous   January 9, 2025 2:53 pm - at 2:53 pm

      Well said. They are ignorant and those who voted for the biggest ignorant one, were gullible, and in the meantime the destruction of America and anything else he can get his hands on will be obvious.

      • Anonymous   January 9, 2025 3:17 pm - at 3:17 pm

        We didn’t vote for Gov Nuisance, you did. We didn’t vote for BiDumb the Senile, you did. We didn’t vote for the $1.4 Billion Dollar where, you did.
        Don’t blame the people who voted for Trump, for your stupidity, your ignorance & millions of your own party left because they along with the majority of Americans saw the worst president and vp along with this entire administration crush our country.
        Stupidity and ignorance is what stares back at you in the plastic mirror in your trailer. I’m not sorry that you live all by yourself because of your stupidity and constant gripping drove everyone away.
        So don’t do the liberal hamacrat normal thing and shoot innocent people, just write your manifest and suck on the barrel.

        • Anonymous   January 9, 2025 3:40 pm - at 3:40 pm

          I’m fist pumping, you hit the nail on the head, Brother Republican

    • Anonymous   January 9, 2025 2:55 pm - at 2:55 pm

      Well said. They are ignorant and those who voted for the biggest ignorant one, were gullible, and in the meantime the destruction of America and anything else he can get his hands on will be obvious.

    • Anonymous   January 9, 2025 4:06 pm - at 4:06 pm

      More Billionaires supported and gave money to the Biden/Harris reelection for you information, by a 2 to 1 margins. Nice try, if you can’t get them with facts, just lie like a democrat.

  5. Anonymous   January 9, 2025 4:11 pm - at 4:11 pm

    Could Trump’s tweets get any more fucked up about the fires in Los Angeles

  6. Anonymous   January 9, 2025 4:14 pm - at 4:14 pm

    Loving on other people’s misfortunes. Not very presidential. Not a intelligent individual

  7. Anonymous   January 9, 2025 7:34 pm - at 7:34 pm

    Every commission, board, or what have you that has been enacted in California needs to be disbanded! These appointed agencies are not selected by the taxpayers, but hold an incredible amount of power! The Costal Commision, anything to due with the price of energy, anything that has to do with this phony Climate Change monkey business, they are all front groups used by government to get around legitimate government protocols! They all circumvent the California legislature, a good ex: the board that allows PGE to raise rates whenever they like, as far as I’m concerned, PGe, and So Cal Edison should be told no more rate hikes, get your”S” together and figure out how to deliver power w/o jerking the customer around! If you don’t you are done in California, and your holdings are up for grabs! 100’s of small energy companies are chomping at the bit to deliver services, both of those” BIG CONGLOMERATES HAVE NO COMPETITION”, thanks to a state government that is sold out to them! Right, Gavy!

  8. Anonymous   January 9, 2025 10:48 pm - at 10:48 pm

    Trying to stay calm here. Lets be clear. This is not a dem or repub fire. This is a fire that has been in the works for multiple decades, a hundred years or more. I talk about LA specifically, but all of California generally. We, the selfish whiteman who invaded this paradise some 175 some odd years ago, have been very lax in their thoughts of the future. Fire hydrants not providing water in the fire?? That’s not a lack of water, its the result of too much of a demand at any given moment, i.e. this fire, on a one hundred year old water system, that has no chance of withstanding the pressure put on it by this event. Its mankind not keeping up with the stresses of climate change, in this instance the increased Santa Ana winds. Everyone agrees they have not seen these types of winds in their lifetimes. Thats both dems and maga, I mean Republicans.

    We, the selfish whiteman, has put profit in front of common sense. Divide, divide again, more homes, more profit, more roads, more profit, more business, more profit, too much over and over again. And now we pay the pauper. Not enough infastructure to fight fire, not enough money, cut taxes to satisfy the masses. Deny more money for fire protection. Greed, profit, ignore climate change. What do you expect? Do you catch my drift???

    So now its all Gavin Newsomes fault. The great Santa Ana wind of the east, one that is blowing more hot air than any Santa Ana coming out of the deserts of the west and flaming this hell known as the LA fires is saying its all Gavins “fault”. Direct quote. And what do they call that blowing hot air out of the east you ask?? Its called Donald Trump. The President elect. Who is now doing all he can to divide the people of LA, this state, this nation. The greediest white man of all. The man who, as elected president, is supposed to be uniting us. Having us pull for each other, help us heal, help us embrace the problems of the future climate as one united nation. Not as a splintered tribe of neanderthals, fighting each other with hate, vile, and disgust.

    So here we are now. Pointing fingers at each other, blaming each other for causing this nightmare scenario that is engulfing greater LA. And the bottom line? What is causing this havoc to be wreaked on the innocent people of LA? Its very simple. The wind……….its the wind, not lack of rain, too much vegetation, its the wind……….
    And what is causing this never before seen wind event? This Santa Ana wind on steroids? One thing, and one thing only. Climate change. But our great white newly elected leader just denies climate change. Plans on doing nothing to address it. Nothing. A perfect white leader indeed. Greed, profit, expansion, revenge are this white leaders plans.

    And yet the one person who in this world of today would have the most influence on our globe as far as addressing our need to face this onslaught of climate change the most, is in complete denial. He spreads lies, and denies, denies, denies. He is the whitest whiteman of them all when it comes to greed and self enhancing. He is the biggest liar of all lying whitemen who have come before him. And he will send this country into a tailspin it may never recover from. And it is quite appropriate that his presidency is kicked off with a hellish, horrific event, caused in a large amount by climate change. A subject he refuses to address. How does he address it?? “Drill baby Drill”……….

    May the good lord have mercy on our selfish souls.

    A White man

    Now you souls who are filled with rage and hate against anyone who disagrees with you or the Great White Hot Air blowing out of the east, are free to attack me with your hate, disgust, and ridicule. Then…………look in the mirror.


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