Pacific Palisades, CA…President Trump Delivers Remarks in California after Wildfires
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fuk trump to death
Watch out for logging trucks
Ronald Chump = POS !
kamala harris greatest accomplishment as vice president was certifying Donald Trump as the next President.
Where’s Gov. Smelt Man?
Did everyone read the news yet? KAMALA HARRIS WON!!! Kamala and Tim really won the Election!!! Republicans used voter suppression of Blacks of Latino and the poor. We won by millions!!! March to the nearest Dept Of Social Services and let your voices be heard and if they don’t give you food vouchers, welfare payments BURN THAT MOTHER FU@^$R TO THE GROUND.!!!
We won!!! Tampons for all the democrat transgenders with cats, which is all the little dumbacrats up here, 🙂
^^ You should stop listening to Fake News sore loser.
Hahahahahahahaha fuk you.
I’d rather hear about the Proud Boys banging you on the basement pool table at Murphys Hotel.
true dat
Jan. 6th has come and gone! But Feb. 6th is coming do a Capital Riot cry baby.
Just repeating what trump said when he lost in 2020.
He’s too ignorant to know what he was looking at or the devastation of it all being of the quasi rich bunch.