Punxsutawney, PA…Hear ye! Hear ye! Hear ye! Now on this February 2nd, Punxsutawney Phil the seer of seers, the prognosticator of all prognosticators was awakened from his wintry nap at dawn on Gobbler’s Knob Phil looked to the skies and then, speaking in Groundhogese, directed the President to the proper scroll, which reads…
What a way to start a Sunday fun day. You always said you’d make it here one day. To this place, barely big enough to contain ya. To this sweet Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania We’re all here with the elements combined Where Mother Nature meets Father Time To hear the truth – Is that a gray sky? Only I know (you can’t trust A.I.)
It’s Groundhog Day and maybe life is on a loop But I miss my burrow, I miss my coop So I’m headed back down!
There’s a shadow up here! Get ready for 6 more weeks of winter this year!
Punxatawny Phil also predicted huge inflation increases, expensive Avacado for SB dips, unrealistic egg, gas, oil, car prices, and incredible pain being heaped on the American consumer by President Elon Musk errrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr Donald Trump.
Hear ye’, hear ye’. I predict that I will be your magnificent leader within 6 weeks!!
Achtung baby.
Yavol Mein Fuhrer.
Elon “the don’s puppeteer” Musk
Wow. Wonder how old JD “remember me Daddy” Vance feels now that Elon is second (or first???) in command? Thats what he gets for marrying a raghead.
Is biden still in office?
Punxatawny Phil gave me six inches, Sniveler
^^Mr. Pathetic^^
The Project 2025 plan is to create a deep recession ,depression, then when the people protest, the don will order martial law. He will not rescind it until after the 2026 elections , when using the same voter purges, denials of votes as in 2024, the Republicans cement one party rule.
The 900 page Republican project 2025 is in effect, the many illegal orders, the firing of the inspectors general, the stopping state grants, US aid, and many more of the don’s orders are all illegal.
The laws state the US House has to pass these orders, THE LAWS.
We are seeing a lawless purge of our government.
Only Authoritarian regimes perform all these shock and awe attacks on their once Democracies, and end the rule of laws, and oversight by the courts, and political systems.
The Republican party is clearly an outside of the law criminal party, ignoring our Constitution and judicial purview. The dismissal of the FBI officers investigation the theft of secret documents by bush , one such example.
What are you waiting for Iran????????????????????????????????????????
If you would have gotten a real JOB instead of staying loader all your young life you wouldn’t have to worry about rising prices (LOSSER)
^^If you would have stayed in school instead of cutting firewood for a living and living in that trailer, you wouldn’t have to worry about being able to spell “LOSER”!!! But no, you dropped out and are in fact, a LOSER.
MAGA right??