Jackson, CA…For several months now, the tiny tree frogs have been lifting the living water with their voices. Together with the birds, they have sung the water up the trunks and the leaves back onto the trees. These are the same leaves that will shade the frogs in the hot summer months ahead. Six moons from now, following the autumnal equinox, the leaves of these deciduous trees will wither and cartwheel to the earth, creating a rich bed of moist mulch for the frogs to nestle into for winter.
A week ago, the full-moon rose through a sky laced with a network of ragged edged clouds. These rough edges are but one of the tell-tale signs of polymer and micronized heavy metal contamination in the water rich atmosphere that unites our entire planet. Somewhat protected from the falling contamination by the fungal cleaning network that colonizes the leaf mulch they inhabit, the frogs continue to raise their song upwards. Deep in this bright and chorus filled night I awoke to darkness and silence. The electron that we call our Earth had crossed into the path of energy focused by the massive nucleus of protons we call the Sun. In the drama of this playful edge between light and dark, the moon did not go black, but instead turned a dull, blood red. The midnight feeling evoked was that of the sun setting into a cloud bank so massive that darkness descends almost instantaneously, silencing the birds and frogs in a single moment.
Meanwhile, the news media continues to sing bloody physical murder. Bombings, ignored court orders, drone warfare, the alleged dismantling of the empire’s government are the popular rage. We are told that this is new and completely uncharted territory… Yet, the military industrial complex remains in the driver’s seat, still being encouraged and allowed to produce munitions of all physical descriptions in factories that we the people paid for, but did not buy. These physical machines of death, destruction and desertification are then sold to us at the price of more of our precious time and energy while producing enormous profits for the very same individuals that gain from rebuilding what is destroyed.
The media, owned by a smaller and smaller handful of those who also maintain seats on the boards of what we are told are the world’s largest corporations, continues to govern the narrative of the hour. Is this any different than it has been since long before Eisenhower gave his final address? Even the memory of this speech has been watered down to focus only on the economic and political influence of the military-industrial complex. This dilution has obscuring Eisenhower’s equally dire warning that “we must also be alert to the.. danger that public policy could itself become the captive of a scientific-technological elite.” So we might ask, have things really changed so drastically in recent months or is what has been happening in the shadows for many, many decades now creeping out into the light?
Here in the final days of winter, the western media continues to ignore the massive ongoing protests in a former communist republic that never fell behind the iron curtain. This past weekend, police in Belgrade, Serbia vacated the scene moments before a publicly unknown energy weapon cleared the protestors, while in the process rupturing ear drums and splitting blood vessels. Are sinister weapons such as this what the combined might of the military industrial complex and the tech-elite have been perfecting and manufacturing for themselves while the masses that fund these weapons wallow in the “news” of the day?
On this final day of winter, homo-mutatus clouds autograph human disrespect for the water of life that unites us all. Even so, the songbirds and frogs continue to harmonize the water with their voices. The hawks still ride the water vapor rich thermal drafts and the sandhill cranes melt the snow beneath their migrating wings. These creatures may lack intellect, but they maintain perfect memory. They have not forgotten to maintain their part in the living water cycle of our planet.
As we cross over the equinox threshold and spring into the light, I give thanks to all the organisms who continue to maintain this living planet. I am proud of them for not becoming delusional about what real value is. They have not been duped by the intellectual homo-exclusive science of economics whose human backed technologies are turning 1000 football fields of verdant earth into desert every hour.
I give thanks as well to all the humans who continue to remember what value really is.
To holistic land stewards of vast acreages, home gardeners and windowsill flower tenders, thank you.
To the planters of seeds and those who sing them out of the ground, thank you.
To all the fungal networks, all the insects, all the plants and all the animals, thank you.
To the weeds growing in the cracks in the concrete, thank you.
To all forms of animate water swaying in solidarity with life’s ever changing order, thank you.
To all those who act in harmony with living water, thank you.
To those of us who are still acting in both harmony and disharmony with water, thank you for pondering our actions with conscience.
Even in the darkest hour, water holds a path to harmony upon which we may navigate into a healthy, joyful abundant future.
The future starts now.
No worries, soon America will be Putins thanks to his agent, groomed since the 1980’s he and his party are fully in love with the Russian authoritarian model.
The conservative attack on our Federal lands is now on steroids. The Lohanton Cutthroat Trout comes to mind. In federal lands supposedly held in a reserve, there were protections ordered many years ago to keep cattle out of the area to allow hearing of the waterway that gives so much life to many species including the trout. Rare to have trout surviving after so many changes from the hands of ranchers.
The waterway was repairing, the trout starting to thrive, beavers, mule deer, and the many species coming from the willows, grasses, but a rancher allowed his cattle to return, the stream banks again damaged, manure spurred algae growth, the once clear stream again a muddy feted mess, a threat to what nature was repairing. A small island of what was long ago, now being destroyed by cattle.
I was at Highland Lakes a few years ago in the summer.
The cattle had destroyed the mountain sides, tilling up the slopes climbing up fragile decomposed granite to rip out the few Lupine that remained.
The lake stank, the shore was blanketed with manure, the banks caved in. It was a disaster.
The Federal lands allowed to be grazed are way over grazed, too many head are allowed , the damage apparent , yet the damage continues.
Sad, when our lands are despoiled .
bottom line??
we’re fuked
I’ve been fuckin you all long.
Thanks Sean.
I’ma gonna eat some peyote.
Sniveler we know you like to eat Dick.