Updated Hours For Calaveras Recovers

Mountain Ranch, CA…In the aftermath of a natural disaster like a wildfire, there are many stories of loss, of grief, and of courage and hope. Each home was a container of life, filled with mementos, memories and significant moments that happened within its walls.


It takes time for the acute pain of that loss to subside.
Yet a moment comes when the time feels right for a new beginning, a time of restoration and renewal, for rebuilding a life and a home. When that moment arrives, the volunteers with Calaveras Recovers and many members of our greater Motherlode community want to be there with our neighbors as partners and facilitators for the journey to recovery.

Together, we can accomplish a recovery that in time will astonish us with all that we were able to manifest for our residents and our community. We invite you to join us in this challenging and exciting adventure of rebuilding in the heart of Calaveras County.