ACPD Says, Yes On D Proponents Need To “Mellow Out” As “No On D” Signs Stolen & Destroyed

Angels Camp, CA…The Angels Camp Police Department is investigating the theft of “NO ON D” campaign signs. Between 10-07-16 and 10-10-16, eight of the signs have been taken from two locations; a property near the intersection of S. Main Street and SR 4, and a property near the intersection of S. Main Street and Mark Twain Road.

The Above Photos Are From Mike Preston On Destruciton Of Signs In Murphys

The stolen signs are valued at approximately $90.00, and the theft of this property is an arrestable offense.

Anyone with information related to the thefts is encouraged to notify the Angels Camp Police Department at 209-736-2567, or 209-754-6500. Anyone witnessing a theft in progress can call 911.


2 Responses to "ACPD Says, Yes On D Proponents Need To “Mellow Out” As “No On D” Signs Stolen & Destroyed"

  1. Jane   October 12, 2016 4:56 pm - at 4:56 pm

    That’s interesting because measure d signs have been slashed and torn apart

  2. Bob   October 12, 2016 5:24 pm - at 5:24 pm

    And the two large Trump signs near Forest Meadows were stolen too.