San Andreas Vigil For Justice: Stop The Violence of DAPL

San Andreas, CA…Come to Friday’s peaceful vigil for justice, where we can pray about and learn about the violence perpetrated by “dollar votes” of 17 banks supporting the Dakota Access Pipeline (DAPL). Thousands of peaceful campers trying to protect the water in North Dakota have been and continue to be assaulted by scores of alleged “law enforcement” officers (militarized police forces regularly attacking nonviolent demonstrators in the roadway).

Photo From Chearcus in Burque’s post in Divest From DAPL: Support Standing Rock Water Protectors

Come to the street corner near Wells Fargo to receive information and stand together in spirit and solidarity with Standing Rock water protectors at 10:00am on Friday the 25th of November, 2016. The organizers in ND encourage all Americans to pray for and protect the water everywhere, as they say in Lakota, “Mni Wiconi” or “Water is Life”.

WHO: Folks who care about environmental justice
WHEN: Friday Nov. 25th at 10:00AM
WHERE: San Andreas, CA–the Corner of Treat & St. Charles
WHY: Wells Fargo Bank is one of 17 supporters of ongoing violence against peaceful civilians in North Dakota.