Mokelumne Hill 5th Annual Holiday Music Fundraiser A Huge Success

Mokelumne Hill, CA…The fifth annual holiday concert to benefit the music programs of Rail Road Flat, West Point and Mokelumne Hill elementary schools took place from 4-7 p.m. Saturday, December 10 at Mokelumne Hill Hall Town Hall on Main Street in Moke Hill.


This year’s event raised just over $3,000.00 donation from the admission (which included dinner), the bake sale, silent and live auction, and a generous $1,000.00 donation from Millerrail Farms on RRF.
This event is presented by parent groups of the three upcountry schools working together to sustain music in their schools. Once again, Los Angeles-based musician Drew Phillips who started the Guitar Classes at the schools and helped create the event along with his band played, MC’d and organized the rest of the entertainment which included a variety of local musicians, as well as upcoming young musicians.

The line-up of musicians included Drew Phillips; David Kelaita; Tanglewood- Felicity Morton, Abe Forgette and Zay Dyken; Strato; Blaine “Woody” Wood; Lois Brown; Kevin Fritson and Tom who are the Dogdish Duo; Marilyn Williams; student bands including Chris Gibbons on Guitar, Guitar players Miale Hie-Kosta and Summer Halliday from Rail Road Flat School, Ukulele players Aidan Bruckner and Joey Sweet from Rail Road Flat School and Rider Haight from West Point School. Additionally Mr. Roberson led Christmas sing along with students from all three upcountry schools.

In past years, proceeds of the event have enabled the three schools to purchase and maintain instruments, and to pay for music assemblies and music lessons. The schools are also seeking donations of old or unused instruments, which are tax-deductible. Everyone welcome. Give the gift of music to your community schools.

For more information call 209-256-7587 or visit or see our Friends of Rail Road Flat School Face book Page