Calaveras County Notice Of Election & Notice To Submit Arguments

San Andreas, CA…NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to Resolutions passed by the Calaveras County Board of Supervisors on January 24, 2017, a Special All-Mail Ballot Election will be conducted on May 2, 2017, for the purpose of voting on the following measures:

Measure A
To maintain Saddle Creek Community Services District owned facilities and easements including sidewalks, storm drains, landscaping, lighting, parks, security, weed and mosquito abatement, road improvement and maintenance, reserves, and administration, shall a new tax, providing $1.2 million annually and replacing the existing tax, be adopted without expiration at $1,703 per residential lot; $720 per acre for large lot undeveloped property; $640 per acre for sports club property; and $63,860 for the golf course property, including an annual CPI adjustment?

Yes No

Measure B
Shall an initiative measure to ban the cultivation of marijuana for all purposes, including the manufacturing, processing, and delivery of marijuana along with banning marijuana dispensaries except as preempted by Federal and State law within all unincorporated parts of Calaveras County, and except for cultivation of medical marijuana for qualified medicinal patients and providers under specified conditions be adopted?

Yes No

NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that arguments for or against the above measures will be accepted in the office of the County Clerk, Election Division, 891 Mountain Ranch Road, San Andreas, CA 95249. Arguments shall not exceed 300 words in length and shall be titled either “Argument In Favor Of Measure _____” or “Argument Against Measure _____”. Arguments must be filed no later than 4:00 p.m. on February 3, 2017.

A ballot argument shall not be accepted unless accompanied by the name or names of the person or persons submitting it or, if submitted on behalf of an organization, the name of the organization and the name of at least one of its principal officers. No more than five signatures shall appear with any argument. All arguments must also be accompanied by a statement that the argument is true and correct to the best of his/her/their knowledge and belief.

If more than one argument for and one argument against the measure is received, the selection will be made pursuant to the provisions of the Elections Code 9166.

NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that if an argument in favor of and an argument against the measure is submitted, copies will be mailed to the respective authors in order that they may submit a rebuttal argument. Rebuttal arguments must also be accompanied by a statement that the argument is true and correct to the best of his/her/their knowledge and belief. The deadline for filing a rebuttal argument will be 4:00 p.m. on February 14, 2017. Rebuttal arguments shall not exceed 250 words in length.

Anyone desiring to file arguments for or against the above measures should contact the Elections Department at (209) 754-6376 for further information and the required form.

Rebecca Turner
County Clerk