Ex- Employee Burglarizes Sonora Business

Sonora, CA…This morning just before 9 AM, Cpl. Stuart responded to a report of a commercial burglary at Indian Creek Car Wash located on Mono Way in Sonora. The business owner and his employees arrived at the Car Wash and noticed the door to the back office was open. Empty envelopes that once contained tip money was strewn about the office. The owner reviewed the video surveillance and saw that a former employee, 23 year old Kristien Carey, had entered his business while it was closed. Cpl. Stuart reviewed the video surveillance and saw a man with a goatee pull up to the business in a white pick-up, enter the business office and take several items including a blue milk crate containing various tools.

Cpl. Stuart patrolled the area of Tuolumne City where Carey is known to frequent. He noticed a white pickup in the parking lot at the apartment building located in the 18000 block of Tuolumne Road that resembled the one from the video surveillance. A man with a goatee matching the description of the suspect from the burglary, quickly walked around the corner and fled on foot. Cpl. Stuart caught up to the man who was identified as Carey. Carey admitted to taking the items at the business and led Cpl. Stuart to his truck where the items were located.

Carey was arrested and booked into the Tuolumne County Jail for the fresh burglary charge and for a misdemeanor traffic warrant.