Construction & Irrigation Of Raised Beds

Jackson, CA…Tired of all the rocks you find when you are digging in your garden? Problem soils or slopes on your property? Critters driving you crazy? It might be time to try gardening in raised beds. Raising produce and flowers in raised beds allows gardeners to better control the growing conditions in a wide variety of garden environments. They can also be designed to make gardening a little easier on your back! Please join the UCCE Master Gardeners of Amador County on Saturday, March 4th for our class, “Construction and Irrigation of Raised Beds”.

Advice on appropriate materials, design and construction of various types of raised beds for gardening will be covered. Gardening techniques specific to raised beds will be discussed as well as Irrigation system designs. Hand-outs will be available. The class is free and open to the public. No reservations are required. All classes are held in the GSA building at 12200-B Airport Rd. in Jackson from 9am to Noon.

For questions, call the UCCE Master Gardeners of Amador County at the UC Cooperative Extension Office from 10am to noon, Tuesday through Thursday, 223-6838 or email Website: