Reflections On Congressman McClintock’s Recent Roseville Town Hall meeting ~ A Letter To The Editor By Ann Bowler

Roseville, CA…We attended Congressman McClintock’s recent Roseville town hall meeting. Newspapers quoted our Congressman calling those who attended “anarchists.” We knew at least 50 of the people there and that statement couldn’t be farther from the truth; we knew teachers, social workers, lawyers, photographers, business owners, college professors, counselors, grant writers and other professionals, all good people and good neighbors. We were not there to riot! We were there to get answers to real questions. It is safe to say that everyone who attended did so because they are deeply concerned with the direction our country is taking and are afraid for what lies ahead.

People shared their legitimate concerns about the dissection of the Affordable Care Act and what that would mean for all, but especially for the weak, our president’s mental and emotional stability as well as his cabinet choices, the waste of building a wall both in terms of dollars and the anger it would create, concerns over global warming and more. McClintock acted as if he listened, but was unable to let people know they were heard. He gave party line responses to every single person who spoke.

Were there a few people that shouted out during the discussion? Yes. Did some of those left outside shout? We assume so. People are angry and scared; they hoped their Congressman would hear them and give them specific plans for change but that did not happen.

We have two requests for Congressman McClintock. Please hold future town hall meetings in large enough facilities so more citizens can take part in the discussion. Please don’t be afraid of us, listen to us. We are your constituents and we care about our country just like you do.

We admit we fairly are new to this type of activity and see that we have things to learn as well. The next time when we go to a meeting like this (and believe us, we will), we will calm those who are shouting out; we will encourage songs rather than shouting. We agree with you on this point, Congressman McClintock: we need productive dialogue.

And for those who didn’t attend? We encourage you to read real news, find out for yourselves if there are reasons for concern and join the dialogue. We are lucky to be Americans. It is time to protect the country and the values we hold so dear.